Happy 4th of July to all our American readers. It’s only right that we celebrate with you, by reviewing a beer from the U S of A… it would be rude not to wouldn’t it? Speakeasy beers come from the West Coast of the America, in fact they were founded 20 years ago in San Francisco. Back then they were producing beers in a secret warehouse and delivering hand filled kegs out of the back of a van. Fast forward to 2017 and they are now sending their beer all over the USA with over 30 distributers across the country.
So, how it ended up in a small bottle shop in the NSW coastal town of Forster here in Australia is beyond me, however, it was a cool looking can which encouraged me to pick it up and put it in my shopping basket. I just got the feeling someone was looking at me and telling me to do it…
The Session IPA was really really enjoyable, I had this back in the summer when the weather was warmer and cold beers were the older of the day. This packed plenty of punch in the flavour department with some intense notes making it a flavoursome tipple, whilst also being refreshing. Look I’ll be honest, it doesn’t compete with some of the session IPAs on the market here on Australia. But in terms of design and appeal due to its origin, it’s most certainly worth trying.
Read more about Speakeasy beers right here.