Forgive me whilst I deliver a life story to begin this review (why change the habit of a lifetime I hear you shout). South Africa is very dear to me. My wife is from Johannesburg, I’ve spent some wonderful times there, met some wonderful people and seen some amazing things. The tradition we have on the way to the airport is to stop at a particular pub and have a Castle Lager and a homemade pie. Castle Lager is to South Africa what VB is to Australia. It’s a popular beer which sponsors the national cricket team and you had if there as in years gone by there was not much else to choose from. (Times are changing though with plenty of craft brewers making some excellent beers)

Castle Milk Stout

The milk stout however is a different story. This is absolutely delicious, smooth and creamy without having too much bitterness. It’s one of the best stouts I’ve had, if only it was more readily available in Australia I have absolutely no doubt it would be hugely popular here. If you see it, try it. For a mass produced beer, it’s incredibly good. It’s also the perfect time to be tucking into Stout, with the weather cooling off here in Australia, it’s just the best excuse!

Read more about Castle beers here.

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